Thursday, February 22, 2018

Looking for a Ship --by John McPhee

260 pages / 757 KB
5 Stars

OK, I admit it. I've yet to read anything by McPhee I don't love, and this book is no different. McPhee has the ability to take a subject of which I know absolutely nothing, and really had never thought about it, and write about it in such a manner that I'm amazed I didn't know I needed to know about citrus fruit, or geology, or looking for a ship in the U.S. Merchant Marine.

I knew the Merchant Marine existed and was surprised to learn it's on the decline. Or was in 1990 when this book was published. And also saddened.

McPhee took passage on a ship and sailed with her. He interviewed the crew, and when available, the other passengers. An absolute delight to read this book. I'd like to read a follow-up on the status of our Merchant Marine—I see the US Merchant Marine Academy is still educating accepted applicants, so that says something positive. But, are the graduates finding ships?

If you've ever wondered what it would be like to stow away on a ship and see the world, read this book first.

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