Sunday, October 15, 2017

Glass Houses: A Novel (Chief Inspector Gamache Novel) –by Louise Penny

Fiction / Mystery
376 pages / 3776 KB
4 Stars

I believe I've read all of the Gamache books (this is #13 in the series), and have never been let down. Picking up one of these books is like going home for a visit with old friends. Ruth and Rosa are still together, Clara is getting ready to show what her friends think are "unfinished" paintings, Armand is now head of the Surete, and Reine-Marie finds a body in the church cellar. Oh, my.

Penny has brought in a cobrador del frac for a new twist. Armand must decide between perjury in the high court or the greater good and a possible prison sentence.

The crime takes place in November, with cold and snow. The trial takes place in the summer, when it's hot and humid. There is a lot of backing and forthing and it took me a minute the first few times to get my bearings when I went from snow and sleet to sweltering heat.  File that bit of information away (forewarned is forearmed) and read the book. It's a great read. And be sure to read the Author's note at the end when she tells us what's true and what isn't.

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